Friday, March 19, 2021

My space writing :)


This is my space writing its about space enjoy! 😀

Audience:Whaea sharlee
R.T:Share charaters thoughts
NL:To describe
One day a man went out into space in his space ship.By the time he reached space it was sunset. He was soo excited he flew circles around Earth until...His space ship broke down! He was terrafyed. He tried to call someone but he realized that there is no service in space.Hen go hungry really hunger.Also he got really cold so he put his hands in his pocket but...He found a mars bar! He started to laugh because he was in space.He starts to fly around like swimming in air. Since he was cold he went over to the sun he went up high because he nearly got BURNT He thought”maybe i should stay away from the sun” He flew over to neptune to see if he would get cold he did but too cold. He always wondered what Saturn's rings look like in person so he fellow-swam  over to saturn. The rings look so cool he tried to touch the ring and he dd.It basically felt like rocks and sand.When he felt the ring he remembered that he searched “how many planets have rings”and it said 4,Saturn,Jupitar,Uranus,Neptune. So he went to jupiter to check out the rings in person when he saw the rings it looked like saturns rings but not like Saturn rings. It looked like gas with rock’sH went around to mercury to see how hot it was.It was so close to the sun but it wasent even hot.He decided tto go to a broken part of the ship-space ship and slept there.In the morning back at earth his family was worried because he stayed there longer for a night so they go bought a space ship and went to  space. Back at space the man felt scared and worried for his family because he tought they would be worried sick.So the family packet some close,food and a blanket. He went to jupiter to lay on it when he got to earth he saw a flash of light goming out he tried to get closer and closer then he saw his family! he burst into happiness.  He went to the ship and got in. The mum said ”we missed you so much”The man said “me to :)
                                                                  The End :)

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