Friday, September 17, 2021

The Portal In The Jungle

                                               The Portal in the Jungle                        


                                                          RT:To paragraph

                                                         Audience:world wide
                                                          Purpose:To Narrate

Kia ora everyone today I will be narrating a story about The portal in the Jungle.

Let's get started!

There are 2 little kids about 10 and 8 year old wandering through a big green tall Jungle on a nice sunny hot day. Their names are Amy and Jake. Amy and Jake are siblings who always get along. Their parents have never seen each other fight,Argue or cause trouble but I wouldn't say they are two perfect kids and here is why.

Amy and Jake are in a forest and they stumble across a beautiful sapphire blue lake surrounded by rocks on the edge. It has beautiful white swans fluttering their wings and the lake looks like it was cleaned everyday. Amy thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen,but Jake on the other hand didn’t care there was a log going across the Lake; it looked like an old log that had been there forever.

As they walked more and more they started to get cold so they needed a hot drink like hot tea Hot Cocoa or warm milk. They go deeper and deeper into the jungle after going across the old log to smell Kawakawa Tea. Jake and Amy decide to go over but first they got sticks because they thought that a stranger was there. Jake and Amy Adventured into the unknown.

As it grew darker and darker they saw something …. Strange. They saw a huge square hole that led to a different dimension. There were logs surrounding it with purple on the inside. They are kids and they are curious so of course they dived right in.

They dove into the portal and started to scream as they were twirling in mid air. Finally they landed but they both looked at each other in shock because they looked normal. They walked around and everything seemed normal besides one thing and that one thing  was that they were not in the forest they were back at home. Their house looked different but they figured out where the portal took them.

The portal took them to the future. They were in shock but scared because they had no idea where the portal was so they did not know how to get back! Jake freaked out but Amy didn’t because she didn’t know anything about it. Jake told Amy and she freaked out.

After Amy’s tantrum that went on for 10 minutes they went to look around for the portal to get back. But Amy declined. She wanted to wander around to see what will happen as she grows up. Amy's name should have been wondrous because that is all she does. Like I said before, I wouldn't call them pearl perfect kids. 


As they walked around drinking their warm kawakawa tea they heard their mother scream because we still hadn’t come back yet they realized that it had only been 40 minutes into the future and that is why their mother screamed. They rushed around looking for the portal and Jake found it. He shouted AMY I FOUND THE PORTAL. Amy came in painting and when she returned to Jake she looked like she ran a marathon. They both quickly jumped through the portal panting and hoping that their mum wouldn’t be mad.

As they retrieved back to the Jungle Amy and Jake went to go find home. They sprinted to their neighbors house then they knew that they were close then they got to their house but no one was inside and the door was looked. Jake and Amy went back to their neighbors house and asked if they knew where their parents went. Their neighbor said “no sorry”. Amy panicked and Jake was stressed out. Amy and Jake wandered around looking for their Whanau/Family. They go around looking into the backyard to see their parents gardening. they sprinted to the door and rang the doorbell. Their mother answered and the kids ran in and hugged them.

                                                     The end
                                        I hope you enjoyed reading this story that i have 


                                      Made up. Did you like this story tell me in the comments                                                                  

                                          Could I do anything to improve this piece of writing?


  1. Kia ora Ngarea! Your paragraphing is set out very well. The topic sentences you have used to introduce a new idea or setting hook the reader in e.g. 'They dove into the portal'. Your writing continues to grow as you stretch your ideas to include more describing, scene setting and characters thoughts. You are doing such a good job completing your weekly mahi, your DLO's are clear and show you understand the learning. Thank you for sharing your Maori Number Talk, we have all learned more kupu/words to add to our growing knowledge base. Keep up the fantastic effort!


Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or ask a question you want to know more about