Monday, November 8, 2021

My mini beast writing 2021

 Kia ora today my mini beast will be going on an adventure my mini beast name is Lizardo.

Lizardo is a Lizard that has piwakawaka/fantail tail wings, lemur tail for the tail and that's it Lizardo likes adventures hunting and blends in with items and objects. It does not fly; it has the wings to glide off of big cliffs such as mountains, hills, city buildings, houses and trees.


Lizardo likes to travel in the forest and likes to explore jungles. On lizardos adventure through the dark woods he finds a highly venomous katipo (for those who don't know what it is then a katipo is a spider related to the redback and carrys venom in it but if you get bitten you won't die but it will feel like it) Lizardo can run really fast with his legs. Since anything can get bit and get venom especially animals/creatures lizardo is a creature. Lizardo was scared so he ran and ran till he got away

As lizardo was walking his stomach sunk with fear as he got deeper into the forest because he thought or should i say knew ; something was about to happen and boy was he correct the katipo swang on it's soft pearl white silky cobweb right in front of Lizardo he freaked out and ran back out of the forest in fear shaking but what he forgot was that the forest was on a huge hill he decided to jump because he did not want to get bitten from the katipo.

Lizardo got down safe and sound but when he hit the ground a rock fell and felt like 1 pound. He ran to his little home made of twigs and leaves.

Thank you for reading this story of my creature/mini beast it took a lot of though if there is anything I could do to improve what would your creature look like act like and what is it's personality please tell me in the comments have a good day

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