Thursday, December 9, 2021

Friday, December 3, 2021

week 7 term 4


I know its not finished but im working on it still

Friday, November 26, 2021

Week6 T4


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Week5 Term4 food tech


Rainbow pancakes

 This is how you make a rainbow pancake cake 

Firstly crack 3 eggs into a mixing bowl then add 4 cups of milk . Add 60ML of oil into the same bowl. Add 1 Teaspoon of vanilla essence and mix well. . Sift 3 cups of cake flour into a new bowl and add in 1 tsp of baking powder and mix it in an electric  mixer while mixing add original bowl of mixtures when done separate it into 4 bowls and add food coloring. Pour oil onto a pan and turn on the element but make sure the element you're using is not past halfway. Add the mixture and wait

200g grams cream cheese 2TB yoghurt 3 cups of icing sugar mix in electric mixer and when done add to bottom pancake and start learning when done you can dig in

Monday, November 8, 2021

Weeks work 2021 week4 term4


My mini beast writing 2021

 Kia ora today my mini beast will be going on an adventure my mini beast name is Lizardo.

Lizardo is a Lizard that has piwakawaka/fantail tail wings, lemur tail for the tail and that's it Lizardo likes adventures hunting and blends in with items and objects. It does not fly; it has the wings to glide off of big cliffs such as mountains, hills, city buildings, houses and trees.


Lizardo likes to travel in the forest and likes to explore jungles. On lizardos adventure through the dark woods he finds a highly venomous katipo (for those who don't know what it is then a katipo is a spider related to the redback and carrys venom in it but if you get bitten you won't die but it will feel like it) Lizardo can run really fast with his legs. Since anything can get bit and get venom especially animals/creatures lizardo is a creature. Lizardo was scared so he ran and ran till he got away

As lizardo was walking his stomach sunk with fear as he got deeper into the forest because he thought or should i say knew ; something was about to happen and boy was he correct the katipo swang on it's soft pearl white silky cobweb right in front of Lizardo he freaked out and ran back out of the forest in fear shaking but what he forgot was that the forest was on a huge hill he decided to jump because he did not want to get bitten from the katipo.

Lizardo got down safe and sound but when he hit the ground a rock fell and felt like 1 pound. He ran to his little home made of twigs and leaves.

Thank you for reading this story of my creature/mini beast it took a lot of though if there is anything I could do to improve what would your creature look like act like and what is it's personality please tell me in the comments have a good day

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Week 3 t4 work complete!!!!!!! :D


Writing! :D

 So there I was sitting in an old tree house in a park trying to keep my overactive imagination in my head on a rainy day . My name is Lia. I'm 12 years old ,blonde hair,blue eyes,59.4 inch,Light freckles on my nose,Wearing a baggy jumper and ripped jeans,and eating pea’s. I was left in the park. A beautiful bright colored park sitting in an old tree. It just doesn't make sense. An old ragged tree house  surrounded by a beautiful bright colored playground. I was sitting in the tree house with my bag of items. The items were my phone,a book,A pen,bathing suit (because a beach is nearby),food/Pea’s,Apples,sour patch kids,water , juice and plastic cups.

There was a hotel a few blocks away i was thinking to get in my bathing suit and walk across good thing is cars will be slow on a slippery road i will get shelter i could call my mum to pick me up from there Bad thing i could slip on slippery water my hair,my bag and I will get drenched and I don't have money to spend the night in the hotel. So what should I do: go to the hotel and wait there or wait in the tree house.

                                                   The decision

I'm going to the hotel and see if I do have money to pay. I'm at the hotel now let me check oops i only have 83 $ and 40c. The lady from the hotel said that we could rent a nearby apartment for only 60 dollars. I said thank you. As I walked off to the apartment I saw an eat in shop so I rented my apartment, put down my stuff, set up security cameras that the apartment gives everyone and locked the door and left.


I walked closer and closer to the buffet but I saw this weird man following me. I decided to not freak out because he might speed up if I freak out. He went faster and faster so I ran. I made it to eat at the buffet and told the lady about what happened. She said “where is your mother, shouldn't you be with her, you are too young to be by yourself” and she was right. I am too young so I decided to get hot burger chips and Pepsi. I went back to my apartment and saw my mum walking down the street I packed all my stuff cleared the security cameras and ran downstairs gave the keys back to the owner and ran out and hugged my mum. I didn't tell you at the start of the story but she left me at the park for 3 weeks because she forgot about me and she was out looking for me.

                                        The End

                                 I hope you enjoyed reading that story

Friday, October 22, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

Ngarea week 9 Term 3 Online Learning 2021


I woke up with powers! Writing w9 t3

    Date: 20/9/21
    Purpose:To narrate
    Audience:Whaea Sharlee & World wide
    Title: I wake up with different powers each morning



Kia ora my name is Emma and this morning something felt weird. I had a weird feeling in my gut and I didn't figure it out till I got to school. Let me tell you the story from the beginning. 

                                               How it happened

This morning I woke up, got dressed and I went downstairs to my mum to see what was for breakfast. I sat down at the table and started munching on a bowl of fruit loops/cereal. I jumped into the car and popped my seat belt on and we went to school. As I was in class I was listening to the most boring book called 101 facts about why you should go to school. I got so bored I wanted to make the book fling. And what do you know it literally flung out the window. I obviously thought it was a coincidence but a while later I knew it was no coincidence.

                                                 Trying out my power 
I sprinted off to the playground and tried to see what happened. I looked at a piece of bark and thought of it going to the grass and it did then suddenly I knew what it meant then I lifted a smirk on my face. It Meant that I had the power to move objects. I don't know how I got it but I am still happy about it. I used it for stuff like grappling on my lunch or drink.


This power is called telekinesisI I wouldn't use it around other people or let anyone see me do it because they will probably treat you differently because of your powers. In my opinion I think that some powers can be useless but I figured out what is good about telekinesis the good thing about telekinesis is that you can make objects,people and things move example if I see a chair and then go out to it I think of it pulling out for me then it would move and that's the same with any other object it's basically moving stuff with your mind.


                                                         It all changes

I went home from school and got out of my uniform and then I started practising my telekinesis

 Skills. 4 hours later I became a master at moving items so I decided to keep on going. But then it was bedtime. I woke up to a lovely morning and grabbed my spoon and started to have breakfast alone but that was whenI found

                                                          How i got the power

So I figured out that I got a power when I woke up because I had a dream where I got any superpower I wanted and in my dream of course I picked telekinesis so I guess my dream came to Life. Well I guess that solves 1 problem now I have to figure out how to get rid of it because I don't want it anymore i am getting tired of it and the more often i do it the more i will get used to it then won’t want to let it go so I will try let it go now.

                                                    Solving the next problem

 Well I think I just have to wait till bedtime and keep it to myself. I'm thinking to wait till bedtime because it came in the morning after i had a dream about so let's hope i have a dream about it going away so it will go away.

                                              Yay i Figured it out

I figured out how to get rid of it. I have to wait till the morning then it should go away because it came this morning so it should be gone tomorrow morning. In the morning I tried my powers and they were gone! I was so happy but when I went back to school we read 101 facts about why you should go to school part 2! I was soooo frustrated. I hope you liked this story about how Emma got her powers!.


Friday, September 17, 2021

The Portal In The Jungle

                                               The Portal in the Jungle                        


                                                          RT:To paragraph

                                                         Audience:world wide
                                                          Purpose:To Narrate

Kia ora everyone today I will be narrating a story about The portal in the Jungle.

Let's get started!

There are 2 little kids about 10 and 8 year old wandering through a big green tall Jungle on a nice sunny hot day. Their names are Amy and Jake. Amy and Jake are siblings who always get along. Their parents have never seen each other fight,Argue or cause trouble but I wouldn't say they are two perfect kids and here is why.

Amy and Jake are in a forest and they stumble across a beautiful sapphire blue lake surrounded by rocks on the edge. It has beautiful white swans fluttering their wings and the lake looks like it was cleaned everyday. Amy thought it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen,but Jake on the other hand didn’t care there was a log going across the Lake; it looked like an old log that had been there forever.

As they walked more and more they started to get cold so they needed a hot drink like hot tea Hot Cocoa or warm milk. They go deeper and deeper into the jungle after going across the old log to smell Kawakawa Tea. Jake and Amy decide to go over but first they got sticks because they thought that a stranger was there. Jake and Amy Adventured into the unknown.

As it grew darker and darker they saw something …. Strange. They saw a huge square hole that led to a different dimension. There were logs surrounding it with purple on the inside. They are kids and they are curious so of course they dived right in.

They dove into the portal and started to scream as they were twirling in mid air. Finally they landed but they both looked at each other in shock because they looked normal. They walked around and everything seemed normal besides one thing and that one thing  was that they were not in the forest they were back at home. Their house looked different but they figured out where the portal took them.

The portal took them to the future. They were in shock but scared because they had no idea where the portal was so they did not know how to get back! Jake freaked out but Amy didn’t because she didn’t know anything about it. Jake told Amy and she freaked out.

After Amy’s tantrum that went on for 10 minutes they went to look around for the portal to get back. But Amy declined. She wanted to wander around to see what will happen as she grows up. Amy's name should have been wondrous because that is all she does. Like I said before, I wouldn't call them pearl perfect kids. 


As they walked around drinking their warm kawakawa tea they heard their mother scream because we still hadn’t come back yet they realized that it had only been 40 minutes into the future and that is why their mother screamed. They rushed around looking for the portal and Jake found it. He shouted AMY I FOUND THE PORTAL. Amy came in painting and when she returned to Jake she looked like she ran a marathon. They both quickly jumped through the portal panting and hoping that their mum wouldn’t be mad.

As they retrieved back to the Jungle Amy and Jake went to go find home. They sprinted to their neighbors house then they knew that they were close then they got to their house but no one was inside and the door was looked. Jake and Amy went back to their neighbors house and asked if they knew where their parents went. Their neighbor said “no sorry”. Amy panicked and Jake was stressed out. Amy and Jake wandered around looking for their Whanau/Family. They go around looking into the backyard to see their parents gardening. they sprinted to the door and rang the doorbell. Their mother answered and the kids ran in and hugged them.

                                                     The end
                                        I hope you enjoyed reading this story that i have 


                                      Made up. Did you like this story tell me in the comments                                                                  

                                          Could I do anything to improve this piece of writing?

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Balanced diet


Kia ora this week's work is about balanced diet. My favorite part about this was doing the ice block create

i have got a question for you. question: would you do this?

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Wonder woman first person writing

                  1st person writing Narrative Hero/Villain


              Audience:world wide

               Purpose: To Narrate

Kia ora it is me Ngarea and today i will be writing a 1st person narrative about wonder woman so let's get started.

Hello i’m wonder woman and my purpose is to save people from villains and protect the world.A villain i have faced is Harley Quinn and she was feisty and she went hard out on the attack and she got so mad that she called in the joker I wasn’t afraid,Harley Quinn and the joker came up at me and attacked me but I dodged there attacks but they did eventually knock me out. But I got up and I fought back because I’m wonder woman. I do not give up that easily. So when I got up and fought back the left I was proud of what I did and I knew it was the right thing to do but there was a feeling in my stomach that something was wrong. It felt like butterflies flying around in my stomach but it also felt like I fell off a cliff. I couldn’t figure out what it was so I just left it.

What is a villain? Well most villains are superheroes enemies. Villains cause mischief and sometimes the hero may attract villains to come. Us heroes save people from villains because villains are no good, they are mischievous and cause trouble. Villains are made for being our/superheroes arch enemies. No one likes villains; they keep on bothering people and us superheroes. That's why we have superheroes because some people/heroes have to protect the world. Us superheroes save the world,we are like a shield to the world making sure we stay safe.

A little bit about me is that I'm a superhero (of course) I sometimes work with the justice league (well it is because I am in the justice league.)  The powers that I have are superior strength, speed,,agility, I have the ability to fly and l can turn stuff invisible.

I have an invisible jet that I mostly fly in. When I am in my invisible jet no one will be able to see me through the jet. I come from books and movies. I am a superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics.

Being a superhero is quite hard when you have to fight villains and bad guys but being a superhero can also mean that you are doing something good for the world but being a villain is doing something bad for the world. I am a compassionate, caring, stubborn, opinionated, highly competitive, outgoing, immortal Amazon and an amazing person. 

Thank you for reading this piece of writing about Wonder woman. I hope you enjoyed reading this. I wrote about Wonder Woman because she is my favorite superhero. Wonder Woman is my favorite superhero because I like how she has an invisible jet and how she saves lots and lots of people and I love her outfit and powers

Who is your favorite superhero and why?

Week 7 superheroes/Villains 2021



Friday, September 3, 2021

Ngarea Week 6 T3 2021 Distance Learning LCS


Kia ora today we where working with borders are they good or bad should we keep them closed or open them? i really enjoyed the task for this week but it did use a lot of thinking  parts of it was confusing for me but i still ended up finishing it by the end of the week. Whats your opinion should we open borders or keep them closed? 

Key competency certificate


Thursday, September 2, 2021

                                     Should New Zealand open the border?


Kia ora I am Ngarea and today i will be explaining to you about why we shouldn’t open borders let's get started.

I think we shouldn’t open the borders because if people are sick they might come to New Zealand and make more family’s sick and that is not good. Also the borders are good and It keeps us safe and makes sure that we don’t get sick and end up going to Hospital or worse.Opening borders is a big risk for people that go out because they might catch covid.

It may be good to open the borders but I think it is not good. For example if you and your family live far away then you could travel to visit and see each other. Opening the border’s can let people see each other but you should not travel if you are sick.

The borders are meant to keep us safe and to prevent sick people coming over and making someone else sick then they will get their family sick then it could go on and on but keeping the border closed will keep us safe and we will stay protected.

Having borders is important because if there were no such thing as borders then a lot of people would be sick and that's bad. But since we have borders we are protected and safe and that is the same reason why we have lock downs.

To the people reading this in the future, what i am trying to tell you is that borders are good for you and if you ever hear of covid 19 or corona virus then stay home and don't go out because it is contagious and you could easily get covid.

I believe that doctors and people who work in the hospital are risking their lives to save others from covid 19 since it is so contagious the doctors or the people who work in the hospital could get sick.

So that is why I think that it is good to have borders.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Is Kapa Haka Good For You Writing


Is kapa haka good for you?
RT:use topic/scientific/ keywords

 about the topic and follow up sentences
NL:To paragraph


Kia orana in my opinion I think that Kapa Haka is good for you. There can be lots of good things about kapa haka in kapa haka.

Kapa haka is a group of people who sing and dance .It's not just learning new songs and new dances, it's learning a new language ,learning different ways to move and learning about a new culture. Kapa haka is also energising and has lots of movements to it. Kapa haka involves working together with the people around you because if you don't work together then what will happen is the beat will be out of time and your singing will be out of time so it is good to work together.  

Kapa Haka Is Maori performing arts. Maori performing arts literally means to form a line in kapa Haka. It involves an emotional and powerful combination of songs and actions. Kapa Haka is meant to show that we are strong people and show them that we are not afraid.  When we do the Haka we need to be strong, have Strong actions, Big eyes and Pukana faces.

The Pukana means that we are warriors ,the Pukana is done by both men and women during dances or songs to  emphasize certain words and their meanings and to add excitement to the performance. I also think that the Pukana is supposed to scare you.

                                                              Thank you for reading  These

                                                                  Reasons about why Kapa

                                                                         Haka is good 

                                                                             For you!

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Cultural Significance T3 LCS 2021 Distance learning


Kia orana This is my school work for this week about Significance Culture's

Question:  How do you feel about your culture and why? let me know

Thank you for reading this and looking at my blog!

Friday, August 20, 2021

Writing week 4🙂



RT: Paragraph

Are video games good or bad? 

I think that video games are good and bad. It's good because some games have education and learning in it ,  they can be less anti social and some Can enhance your ability to learn. The good thing about the video games is that you can play online games with different people and make new friends.


Video games can be bad because if you play on a video game for a while it may cause headaches and damage to eyesight. Video games can also make you lazy. Young kids that see violent games will think it's okay to be violent and they may become violent.

Video games are addictive which is still bad because when you get addicted to something you do it over and over and doing it over and over will make you lazy.

Video games can also be quite bad because if you play too much you'll get addicted then lazy and then your eyes will start hurting and that's what causes eye damage and you may get violent attitude from the violent games.

                                       Thank you for reading this piece of writing about are video

                                                                games good or bad

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Friday, August 6, 2021

Ane Cheyanna Ngarea and Ella Quality blog comments - Confident

 Kia orana this is my cyber smart quality blog comments

for a lockdown T-Shirt

This is what we did for our Mahi-Work

I hope you enjoy this post :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

My letter about uniforms

Dear Mr Tetzlaff I am writing this letter to you because i think that we shouldn't have uniforms because if everyone looks the same and dresses the same then how would you tell who is who? But with mufti we will all look different. Having uniforms can get boring and it's good to wear something different each day. Besides uniforms are pretty expensive and a few parents just have enough money to afford to get the uniforms.

Uniforms are boring and you wear the exact same thing every single school day I think we should make a change. Without uniforms the school would be so colorful and pretty but with uniforms it is so boring and less color full and it would be really plain. With mufti every one would stand out. With uniforms no one would stand out. If you don't agree with me then could you at least lower the price of our uniforms please


Friday, July 30, 2021

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Ngarea Reading Week 1 T3 Animals Zoos or Wild?

My remember to is If i and me are used then its first person perspective- Opinion

Writing W1 T3 Are zoos good or bad!

Are zoos good or bad I think that zoos are bad and good it is bad because animals get trapped and locked in cages and it is also bad because the animals can't run around unless they have a big space. Zoos are good bcause it gives kids/people to look at many typs of diffrent animals. I think Zoos are bad because if they are not from the wild and they get fed by the people that watch them when they go to the wild they will not know what to do if they get realsed for the cage so it is kinda bad to do that. I think its good to have zoos because you can learn about the diffrent types of species of animals, and for some people it can sometimes make you facinatied by all the diffrent animals. Zoos can be goodbecause if their is an endangerd animal then the zoo should help them. So as you can see i am in between so zoos are good and bad! :)

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Friday, June 25, 2021

Altering images 2021


This is my cyber-smart work for this week and i hope you enjoy. How would you alter these images? 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Bhangra post-Informing


Kia ora this is my topic what i enjoyed is reading the facts. Did you know any of these facts

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Quality blog post


Facts about cats-kittens

RT:to paragraph.     
🐱 Facts about cats. Cats are sometimes fluffy and fun to play with. Did you know that cats sleep for 13 to 16 hours!. Cats have a type of family cheetahs,cats,lions,tigers,panthes ,jaguar's,leopards,ocelot,lynx and that's all i know. Cats are very energetic especially kittens they are normally shy if they are a stray and that is with all cats if you adopt a cat/kitten then it might take a while for it to get used to you i know that because i've had experience with a stray cat/kitten. Why cats are so scared of dogs i think because dogs-big dogs (maybe tiny dogs). Did you know that cats can jump 6 times there height it is very impressive actually they are actually 23-25 cm. Cats speed is 48 km/H (maximum) mph-miles per hour is 29.826. Cats treat you like mum-mothers they don't actually think your their mother they treat you like their  mother  only if they were new born when you got them because you adopt them and they live with you the most of the time so that is why cats treat humans like mothers.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

inferring the photos


Kia ora today i had to infer 3 photos and these are the photos i picked enjoy if there is anything i need to improve please comment it

Friday, June 11, 2021

Reading 2021 Term 2 week 6


This is my reading work for 2021 term 2 and week 6 enjoy reading my work

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Friday, May 14, 2021

Ngarea reading work term 2 week 2


this is my reading work for term 2

Ngarea cyber smart challenge 8


My Netball writing!! :)

This is the court on what it would look like :) Netball started in the 1960’s and was invented in the 1960’s. First place for netball is Australia  and with second place is new Zealand. Between 1901 and 1970’s  Australia  and New Zealand called netball “women's basket ball”. In netball their are 3 sections you can play as Attacker,Defender or center.Attacker can shoot and only go up to the last line from the middle this is what it would look like attacker would only be aloud up to they last line  on the middle section that is the same with the defenders but they don't shoot they defend. In netball when people play on their court for netball they have 3 sections left right or the middle. Everyone is aloud is the middle.Defenders are the same but they can't shoot they have to defend the shooter that's on the other team for example “if i am a attacker the defender from the other team has to get the ball off of me and bring it to their teammates “ center is my favorite  because they can go every where but not in the  circles  center is my Favorited position. Did you know that NZ-new Zealand has won 3  championships in 1901 and 1987 and 2003 and NZ has always finish in  the top 3!!!.

I hope you enjoyed reading some facts about netball and reading about netball :)

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Who am i (Job edition)


                                                         Who am 
i My job that i wanna do when i grow up evolves dancing and singing. Who am i. I would need to show up early and have a lot of confidence and energy. I would meet new friends and learn some new names. If i have stage fright i would need a new job. I would need to be measured for fitting clothes. I need to be brave and loud and sometimes i would need to use a green screen. Who am i can you guess

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

My Tweet week 10 April 14th 2021

 This is my work for today. Today we had to do a tweet it was this we had to read a book from the link and write about it and what you think about
 when we clicked the link we had to read a story and write about it this is mine enjoy! :)

Friday, April 9, 2021

My monster writing about my monster


Slither cat description My monster is a mix between a giraffe,dog ear ,cat eye,snake tail.This animales main habitat is the jungle. It mostly looks like a giraffe because of the long neck.I got the name slither cat because even though it has 4 legs it actually uses its tail to swing around because of the tails strength that's why it's slither the reason why it's cat is because of the fierce cat eyes.The slither cat eat’s branches and leaves sometimes it eats bamboo . Sliter cats teeth are so sharp that it looks like a vampires fang. They are very hard and rare to find they are also aggressive it will attack if you get too close. When or if you try to touch it you will definitely get bit it looks harmless but it is not. You might see this creature licking snow if you ever see it like i said it's really rare. This animal will stay warm because of it's fury and fluffy coat. It sleeps in the jungle it will pile up a lot of leaves to make a bed. It is so soft it feels like a cat this animal does not like the attention if it gets a lot then it will get mad.

Friday, March 19, 2021

My space writing :)


This is my space writing its about space enjoy! 😀

Audience:Whaea sharlee
R.T:Share charaters thoughts
NL:To describe
One day a man went out into space in his space ship.By the time he reached space it was sunset. He was soo excited he flew circles around Earth until...His space ship broke down! He was terrafyed. He tried to call someone but he realized that there is no service in space.Hen go hungry really hunger.Also he got really cold so he put his hands in his pocket but...He found a mars bar! He started to laugh because he was in space.He starts to fly around like swimming in air. Since he was cold he went over to the sun he went up high because he nearly got BURNT He thought”maybe i should stay away from the sun” He flew over to neptune to see if he would get cold he did but too cold. He always wondered what Saturn's rings look like in person so he fellow-swam  over to saturn. The rings look so cool he tried to touch the ring and he dd.It basically felt like rocks and sand.When he felt the ring he remembered that he searched “how many planets have rings”and it said 4,Saturn,Jupitar,Uranus,Neptune. So he went to jupiter to check out the rings in person when he saw the rings it looked like saturns rings but not like Saturn rings. It looked like gas with rock’sH went around to mercury to see how hot it was.It was so close to the sun but it wasent even hot.He decided tto go to a broken part of the ship-space ship and slept there.In the morning back at earth his family was worried because he stayed there longer for a night so they go bought a space ship and went to  space. Back at space the man felt scared and worried for his family because he tought they would be worried sick.So the family packet some close,food and a blanket. He went to jupiter to lay on it when he got to earth he saw a flash of light goming out he tried to get closer and closer then he saw his family! he burst into happiness.  He went to the ship and got in. The mum said ”we missed you so much”The man said “me to :)
                                                                  The End :)

Week 6 reading task


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Ngarea's Enviromental Changes LCS 2021


Just sit there and enjoy

Friday, February 26, 2021

Nicole and Ngarea reading week 3


2021 Role model



Uploading: 99719 of 99719 bytes uploaded.

2021 All about me

 First name: Ngarea
4 things about me:fit swimmer messy sports. daughter of Hula and Wayne sister of Riki and Kaira Lover of: Netball sports swimming Who feels:Happy when my team wins feels sorry for the poor and feels mad at my brother Who needs:My family Electronics and food Who gives:gifts to my friends Hugs to my mum and slaps to Riki Who fears:No school Spiders and Going to deep in the ocean who would like:School on Sunday Riki going out for 1 week I would like my sister-Kaira to come back for a few days Who comes from:place-country who lives in place-country i live in country and i come from country my surname :Habib    Do you have anything in common with me

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

My passion project


this is my passion project enjoy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Friday, February 12, 2021

Expectations LCS comic strip


This is my Expectations LCS comic strip Have you made a comic strip? Enjoy

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

About me 2021


This is my first week of school. Im in KHH that is kahakatia hub.This is all about me. Do you have anything in common with me? Hope you enjoy!